Background Bonanza. My brain just defecated it out as I was trying to figure out what to name the post. What is it? It’s when I make backgrounds for a bunch of pictures including some that I didn’t plan to make backgrounds for. This batch includes the recent Tyris Flare pic, the Green Lantern Hal Jordan (2009), the Vision (2009), Harley Quinn (2008), Cyclops (2005) and Nightcrawler (2004). Most of these backgrounds are just simple and symbolic except for Tyris Flare’s. Cyclops and Nightcrawler mostly have the same bg since I’m going for a theme there. You’ll probably see Vision’s bg used for other Avengers but I may make another one just for him. There will be more updates like this now that I have a computer that can do the work without konking out on me or slowing to a glacial crawl.
I’m still working on stuff for the All-Americon in Warren, Ohio on May 2nd including some things that won’t be on the website until the weekly update after the convention.
Also: I moved the hit counter from the index page to the main menu page since people just keep linking right to the main menu. That gave me the space to start an “Illmosis Network” section on that page with a link to ScrollBoss and… something cryptic.
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