This has been “one of those weeks” so the update is about as lean as it gets. The inked version of the Almighty Grandmaster Wizard pic is up. You’ll see a few details that weren’t in the rough pencil version I posted last week.
I just learned about a happening that’s going down the day after Thanksgiving so I have to get some new stuff ready. That means you should expect some new Background Bonanaza updates. What are those? That’s when I go back and make new backgrounds for older pictures that didn’t have backgrounds before. I’ll talk more about the event as I get more info about it.
ScrollBoss visitors: I finished the Jake sprite set last week and it will be in this week’s update along with a final test video that shows Jake using the jumpkick. He uses it a bit too well if you ask me but you didn’t so I’ll shut the heck up about it, alright? Cool. See? I wasn’t all lazy last week. I have a post on the site’s weblog about it.
EDIT: I got some work done on a background so I figured I’d post a preview. Most of you won’t even have to look at the file name to figure this one out. Click on it to see the full-size render.

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