Sorry for the lack of an update last week but the things that popped up was part of the reason that I had to stop drop the weekly guarantee. I felt just good enough to struggle through this picture of Storm in her Jim Lee-designed outfit and not completely mess it up. It needed two digital fixes (shifting her mouth a few pixels and finishing the very top of her hair because I ran out of paper) but I’m not completely mad at it.

For all I know, I’ll end up redrawing it so there’s no point in giving it a gallery page just yet. I was going to finish coloring that picture of Skate from Streets of Rage but my mouse is acting up a bit. I’m going to wait until I can get a really good replacement mouse before I get to coloring anything.
Things I’ve been working on include:
1.) Giant, pain-in-the-butt re-write of a ScrollBoss section called the S-Files. I’ve spent the last two weeks working on the new code and character info for it along with making room for future features.
2.) Illmosis Scrapbook #1 ashcan book. Seriously, sincerely and fo’rilla. Sketches, story previews and art. I’m trying to get it done in time for the next All Americon convention on May 15th. Check out that link for details
3.) 2011 Party Flyer. I may have that done in March but I’ll probably have to censor a part of the version I post on the site since it reveals the name of the “When the War Begins Again” project.
4.) Last few necessary design revisions for that “War Begins Again” before I can start on the introduction and hopefully post it in April.
5.) More commissions once I get my momentum back.
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