May 9th, 2011
Illmosis 2011 Party Flyer: done. Secret Awesome President motivational picture: done. I’ve got to go. Don’t forget that the All Americon is THIS COMING SUNDAY. Lots of great artists, retailers and cool people will be there. I’ll be there with prints to sell and flyers to give out! Admission is only $2 so you won’t be broke before seeing what’s inside!

Edit (2011 May 10th, 4 AM): The boring ScrollBoss bubble on the flyer just didn’t sit well with me so I replaced it with a new one that includes a scratch-made sprite of Brody Lawler. Who’s that? He’s an amalgam of different brawlers from various old beat-em-up games. I’ll have more about that sprite in the next update but here it is by itself:

I sketched out the basic pose on paper, scanned it, used the Wacom tablet to trace it, shrank it to sprite size and started doing all the shading and detail work. This was the first time I did that and it’s not bad for a semi-rush job. Yes, the tablet even makes sprites easier!
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