March 14th, 2011
The new picture will be the main part of the cover for the first Illmosis Scrapbook, a collection of random, ridiculous stuff that I’ve been threatening to make for a long time. There’s still a lot of work to do for this and I may not have it done in time for the All Americon convention this year but it will be done this year. It will have art, character pages, a slightly different version of that old “Nutroll: the Illness” teaser, The Twofold teaser and some things that you haven’t seen yet. It will be up for sale on this site a while after it’s done.
Site news: Main updates for the site will definitely be on Mondays now. ScrollBoss updates will be a bit small until after the convention in May. This week’s update will bring a few new things for the GFX Generator like palettes (including Green + White Rogue and Mango Sentinel) and at least one new Marvel vs. Capcom 3 character.
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