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Santa Poppy Bros. Sr. Claus (Kirby) - 2006
Artwork by James Beaver

A quick Christmas pic featuring Poppy Bros. Sr. in a more Santa-like outfit. For those who don't know about the Poppy Brothers, they're enemies from the series of Kirby games by Nintendo. They're infamous for tossing tossing bombs (yeah, that explains the present to Kirby) and their outfits look almost exactly like that except for the color and there's fur around the boots and gloves. I don't have any actual graphics from the game to show you, so I'll just send you a link to the Poppy Bros. Jr. link on Wikipedia. Yeah, I know it's obscure, but video game fans seem to get a kick out of that pic. Besides, once I had the idea to draw a character that'd have such an awkward name, how could I NOT draw it?
Content Tags:
villain nintendo kirby videogames
Poppy Bros. Sr.