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Twofold News Scroll:

New Year, New Battle, Old Filecards
January 16th, 2012 by James Beaver
Twofold vs. Field Captain General Kozhezub (Graphite STALKER's character)

New Twofold crossover pic! Click the small picture to see and learn more! I also added some of the old filecards I drew for my characters back in the 1990’s. The new cards include Beatdown (in her original outfit) along with two villains who haven’t been posted here before: Chill and Fisticuffs. I also threw in another “Bug-Out” character named Monty Carlo.

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Passion tests out the tablet
April 18th, 2011 by James Beaver

Passion Tanaka zips up another one of her outfits
This was the first real test I’ve had with the Wacom tablet I bought and I think I officially dig it. Click on the little picture up there to check out the gallery page where you can see the whole picture along with a close-up of some details I never could’ve done with just a mouse. The tablet allows me to speed up my line-cleaning and coloring process quite a bit so progress is a bit less turtle-like. Yeah, I think you’ll start to see more color artwork on this site thanks to the tablet.

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The Passion Returns
April 4th, 2011 by James Beaver

I apologize for the lateness of this even though I don’t guarantee weekly updates anymore. The Illmosis Scrapbook I’m working on will have character pages but some of these people need better full body pics than what they have now. Passion Tanaka goes first because she really needed some new artwork.

Yeah, this definitely counts as a full body pic. **gets booed**

This pic will have a gallery page in the next update and you’ll see the early pencil pic I drew yesterday that served as a base for this version. I don’t know what else will be in the next update because I need get some practice on the new Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch tablet I bought last week. It speeds up some of the painfully slow parts of the digital side of my scribbling. I’ll probably put the “Accepting Commissions” sign up again once I get all of this sorted out.

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He’s the Sheriff
September 16th, 2010 by James Beaver

Sheriff Warner in morning mission mode.Sean Chan from my Twofold comic

Today is a bit busier than usual. First up to bat is another character from the “When the War Begins Again” nonsense that I keep mentioning. His name is Sheriff Warner and this is the face design that you saw me post a few weeks ago. Sean Chan’s pic is now in flat color mode and most of the linework has been cleaned. Mindsight makes her debut in the character profile section.

Site improvements: There’s a new list-based Character Profile index page script. The only section that uses it right now is the main Illmosis section but that will change soon. Only the main things work for now but expect some fancy additions to be, er, added before I replace the old Nutroll and Twofold profile index pages. I also fixed a stupid bug in the new gallery script that kept certain tag and character searches from being completed.

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Sean Chan, Secret Awesome Pres and site improvements
September 12th, 2010 by James Beaver
Sean Chan from my Twofold comic Secret Awesome President drawn in my comic book style

Sean Chan finally gets a profile picture and design update that will stick. I had a prelim loose pencil version of this nearly finished last week but I wanted to take some time with it and give him a really good picture. He rates highly enough to show up in the Illmosis Scrapbook so he needs a good picture for it. I’m satisfied with how that one turned out so I can finally cross that picture off the Redemption List. People had nice things to say about Secret Awesome President’s pic last week but I forgot to put up a clear version of his teaser picture from January of this year. It’s in my usual serious art style so it’s a bit different than his latest picture.

The site got some improvements this week, too. The main index pages for the Twofold, Nutroll and G.I.JOE section index pages now have the WordPress news updates instead of the old CuteNews new bits that stopped long ago. There are now news categories for those three things and I manually transferred a few of the old CuteNews updates so those pages have more than this post. I also used Dreamhost’s installers to upgrade the PHP to version 5 so please let me know if you see anything on the site bugging out.

ScrollBoss’ last update featured the Simons SFA-style sprite pack joining Bred and Dug in the Custom Sprite Downloads section with those two also getting some fixes and improvements. Please download them again if you downloaded them before last Friday.

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