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Sean Chan - Wild Tiger (Twofold) - 2009
Artwork by James Beaver

Sean is the archetypal rascally kung-fu movie student who shows much potential in the beginning but becomes a more mature fighter (and man) by the end of the flick. He's a tribute to a lot of Jackie Chan's early roles. He was originally supposed to look like Mr. Chan, but I'm not good at drawing real likenesses. So I figured it'd be funny if he the guy who swears that they look like someone famous but really doesn't. While he's gained a much better and more deceptive backstory (hopefully, you'll read it some day), the core of his character remains the same. This is a redrawn version of his 2005 profile pic where I was just as undecided about his new hairstyle as I am now. This spiky cut instantly makes him different from everyone else in the school and unintentionally ties into a bit of backstory that I'm too dumb to come up with on purpose. I may redraw part of this to make a stronger pose.
Alternate Versions:
2005 Base color 2005 Black and White
Content Tags:
hero twofold mainuniverse homage
Sean Chan