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Eddie 'Skate' Hunter sprites (Streets of Rage) - 2011
Artwork by James Beaver

I've wanted to make sprites of 'Skate' Hunter for a while but didn't think I could do a decent job of it. I really want to have sprites or sprite edits of at least every Street of Rage hero before the end of 2011, the 20th anniversary of the series and the fact that I'd drawn a picture of him earlier in the year had me thinking of it even more. Wizzy, a master of making great game music remixes along with original compositions, asked if I could make one and that put Skate at the top of "sprites-to-make" list I keep in my head. I compared Skate and Axel's SoR 3 biography screens sprites to figure out how tall Skate's sprite should be compared to the Axel sprite edit I made a few years back.
Alternate Versions:
Progress animation
Content Tags:
streetsofrage sega videogames pixelart
Eddie 'Skate' Hunter