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Pac-Man 2010 promotional flyer in classic Hip-Hop party style. New sprites of Bred and Dug from Capcom's Final Fight. Douglas Bild from Rushing Beat Ran in his select screen pose. 1998 action pic with Ace of Clubs, Batterram and Phenomenon of the Vigilants Alex Kidd in his Enchanted Castle outfit Raw's 2009 character profile art A straight-ahead pic of the Entity
the original Ace of Clubs from the Earlier Age Pixel artwork of Alucard F. Tepes from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Angled floating shot of the Vision (Marvel Comics). Sean Chan from my Twofold comic Pixel artwork of Twofold/Kenji Toshida Twofold's speed dashing pose 2009 edition Layout sketches for my various characters. Omnutron of the Alliance of Vigil!
Capcom's Captain Commando Sonic American Enforcer Eagle Master Hsu's 2009 character profile art. Green Lantern - Hal Jordan Behold the wonder of the real Magnificent Strongov! Nutroll's 2008 character profile artwork Aquaman (B&B style) and Flapjack travel headlong into... ADVENTURE!
Big Lob is ready to make his move! the Stargent leads the way to adventure! The Ice Cream Man is ready to fight Werewolf from Sega's Altered Beast Gilius Thunderhead from Golden Axe plays Santa 2008 shot of my character Batterram Slimer flying right at you. Don't get slimed! Quick Kick proving that he can kick it.
My character Phenomenon in his current outfit Snake-Eyes in his v.1 outfit from the comics The Entity's character profile pic My character, the Gremlin, in his revolution uniform Twofold's 2008 character profile art - masked. Cosmian Kid, one of my characters. Pac-Man Hard Knock 2008 redesign - Hoodie edition
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