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Sequential Wallpapers
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G.I.JOE area
My Other Sites
the NEW Beans vs. Cornbread
(website of weirdness)
(classic video games)
Beans vs. Cornbread
old webblog version

Every picture has it's own page where I ramble about it and a few have early or alternate versions. Each gallery is available in multiple layout styles. Thumbnail shows a bunch of small art clips with descriptions appearing by hovering your mouse over the clip. Text Only describes each picture with the title and some info about the picture.
All Artwork:
All Artwork: Almost every picture that has an artpage is here. If you have a slow connection, the thumbnail modes will probably take a very long time to finish.
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Comic Universe:
Comic Universe: This is artwork for my main comic book universe. That includes Nutrol l and Twofold. There are no sequential comic pages unless they're pin-ups or of special significance.
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Doodle pages:
Doodle pages: These are pages where I just fill the page with random doodles. Every once in a while, I'll draw a full pic from some sketch here.
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D.C. Comics
D.C. Comics: Not just a bunch of Batman pictures. I promise.
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Marvel: While I'm at it, this isn't a bunch of Wolverine and Spidey pics.
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G.I.JOE: Well... okay. Snake-Eyes is in here a lot. BUT STILL. This isn't as complete as the gallery in the G.I.JOE section yet.
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ScrollBoss: This is a more specific video game fan art gallery with things that were either drawn for my ScrollBoss site or things related to the games that I talk about there.
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Pixel Art
Pixel Art: A lot of the sprites that I've done for ScrollBoss were edited from pre-existing sprites so they'd look just like games they're supposed to fit in with. I don't post them here since they're not fully original works. The sprites and other graphics in this gallery are purely from scratch and a few have "work progress animations" to show how I worked on them.
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Other Stuff
Sequential Work
Old Filecards
Latest Pics
Lego Crash Test minifigure
Ms. Marvel
Pixel art Horror vs. game, part 2
Megaman jumping
2018 pic of 2k-era Catwoman about to use that whip.
Iron Man flying in his 1994 modular armor.