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G.I.JOE Gallery page 1
the Baroness in distraction mode. Window Wiper from the G.I.JOE cartoon series Big Lob is ready to make his move! Cobra Trooper in guard mode Snake-Eyes in his v.1 outfit from the comics Cobra Commander (helmet) full figure artwork the Baroness in Black and White Snake-Eyes from G.I.JOE and Jo Musashi team up for a serious beat down.
Quick Kick proving that he can kick it. General Hawk, the leader of G.I.JOE Roadblock, a heavy machinegunner for G.I.JOE the Cobra Sub Commander from the Sunbow/Marvel Cartoon Cobra CLAWS My redesign of Jinx from G.I.JOE Roadblock: Body Massage Old test pic of the Baroness
Firefly (Cobra) in his original outfit the Baroness Group shot of various heroic characters Destro - Iron Grenadiers uniform Snake-Eyes in his v.2 outfit Conrad 'Duke' Hauser in his original outfit the Baroness Villains group shot including Dr. Doom, Megatron, the Juggernaut and the Taskmaster.
Stalker in his original outfit Grunt in his original outfit Cobra Viper late 90's ARAH version Scarlett (G.I.JOE) sketch from sometime in the 2000's. Batman, the Hulk, the Baroness, Nutroll, Two.P and J, Pit Pat and the Punisher (sort of) Random Doodle page with Pac-Man ghost, Nightcrawler, Hawkeye, Optimus Prime, Destro, Nutroll and Twofold. Cap, Iron Man, Bionic Commando, a HISS tank, Nutroll.